Atendi a um pedido de Pieter-Jan Meirhaeghe, iniciado por Yogi Sarveshji, este último também meu professor.
Pieter-Jan vem demonstrando desenvolvimento e transformação, graças a sua prática constante. Sua evolução não passou desapercebida a seus familiares e amigos, que se também se interessaram em se iniciar no caminho amoroso e iluminador da prática regular da meditação Kriya Yoga.
Auspiciosamente, exatamente quando concluí as purificações e bençãos da iniciação, e no momento em que ia começar a cerimônia do fogo, começou a nevar.

Pieter-Jan e sua esposa Bianca da Conceição haviam se casado dois dias antes. Assim que nesse dia também transmiti as bençãos dos Gurus e da Mãe Divina, através de uma benção védica.
Faço votos de Bençãos Divinas, do topo da cabeça à sola dos pés, a este grupo de iniciados. Que tenham a garra necessária para conquistar a própria consciência, através da prática constante, da meditação vibrante e luminosa. Com Amor.
Amor, amor, amor
Yogacharya Céu
I attended a request from Pieter-Jan Meirhaeghe, initiated by Yogi Sarveshji, the latter also my teacher.
Pieter-Jan has been demonstrating development and transformation thanks to his constant practice. His evolution did not go unnoticed to his family and friends, who got also interested in starting on the loving and illuminating way of regular practice of Kriya Yoga meditation.
Auspiciously, just as I completed the purifications and blessings of the initiation, and at the very moment the fire ceremony was about to begin, it began to snow.
We could see the fine snow gently descending, over the fields and the sheep, through the large window of the room. At the end of the initiation, we went out for a photo. For years it has not snowed there in that time of the year, and there was no snow forecast for those days. Eventually, it became a blizzard that semi-paralyzed the country in the following Monday.
Pieter-Jan and his wife Bianca da Conceição had been married two days earlier. So that day I also conveyed the blessings of the Gurus and the Divine Mother through a Vedic blessing.
I wish Divine Blessings, from the top of their heads to the soles of their feet, to this group of initiates. May they have the needed nerve to conquer their own consciousness, through constant practice, of vibrant and luminous meditation. With love.
The storm had already calmed down a bit. Thank you so much for your presence...